Alcohol Awareness

Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice


Aim to provide attendees with a wider understanding of the impact and trends of alcohol misuse in South Tyneside and how brief interventions work. Giving attendees the skills and confidence to go out and successfully deliver brief interventions

Alcohol Awareness is...

“A short, evidence-based, structured conversation about alcohol consumption with a client to motivate and support the individual to think about and/or plan a change in their drinking behaviour in order to reduce their consumption.”


• Look at the effects of alcohol: short term, long term, health effects
• At risk groups
• What is a unit
• What is IBA?
• Look at the tools and techniques used
• How to identify and offer brief advice

Duration:1½  Hours

Cost: Free for those working in South Tyneside

Cancellation policy:

Please note: If you fail to attend or do not give us the required notice to cancel your place we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee.
For more information click here

Who should attend?

This course is designed for any staff working or volunteering in the South Tyneside area and would like a greater understanding of alcohol, including identifying the problem and providing brief advice.

***once your booking form is completed you will receive a confirmation email***


No Dates at present
To be notified when dates become available call 0191 432 9838 or email