Motivational Interviewing Training is currently funded for certain roles in South Tyneside.
You should have been invited to attend this training and recieved a link to this page via that invitation. If you have accessed the page in a different way, or are unsure if you have a funded place, please contact the Training Team before making a booking.
Motivational Interviewing grew out William Miller’s work with problematic drinkers and was based not on theory, but on what he observed to be effective. At that time, people who drank too much were seen to be “in denial” about their drinking and the harm it did to others, and treatment often involved confronting people about this denial, sometimes using shame as a technique to bring about change.
In 1991, Miller and Steve Rollnick published Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change Addictive Behaviour which described a new way of working with people that respected their ability to decide for themselves whether they wanted to change. Now in its third edition, Motivational Interviewing has expanded from the addiction field and is now used in a wide range of behaviour change settings, from young person and adolescent behaviour to smoking cessation, weight loss, managing long-term health conditions and social work. It is a collaborative approach, in which practitioners work alongside people to explore their reasons for change and is based around key principles, one being that positive change can occur without formal interventions and that our work with people can support their natural process of change.
One of the biggest influences in the effectiveness of Motivation Interviewing is facilitator skills, and this two-day training course is designed to allow participants to practice elements of the approach to develop their confidence.
During the 2 days we will explore:
Overview of the background and theory underpinning Motivating Interviewing
The Stages of Motivational Interviewing, Engaging, Focusing, Evoking and Planning
The four core skills of Motivational Interviewing ; open questions, affirmations, reflective listening and summarising (OARS)
Learning how the spirit of Motivational Interviewing can lead to improved engagement
How Motivational Interviewing approaches can be used with people who might initially be hard to engage, and how to listen out for signs that they might be ready to change
How really listening to and empathising with people’s struggles can support their natural desire to change
How to develop reflective listening skills
Working collaboratively is at the heart of this and training will be delivered in a number of styles including videos, small group discussions and practice exercises. Practicing the key elements of Motivational Interviewing will help to build your confidence and skills in delivering this effective response to some challenging situations. Further reading and resources to support ongoing development will be made available to participants post-training.
Our training is peer led, developed in the consultation room rather than the classroom. Our team of trainers apply their knowledge and experience of holding person centred, motivational conversations while working with people in our Behaviour Change Services in Newcastle, North Tyneside and South Tyneside.
2 full days in total. Only one booking is necessary. Once your booking form is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. Please note: both days must be attended to complete the training.
The upcoming dates are as follows:
Day 1 |
19th September 2023, 09.30 – 16.30 |
Day 2 |
26th September 2023, 09.30 – 16.30 |
Day 1 |
13th February 2024, 09.30 – 16.30 |
Day 2 |
20th February 202, 09.30 – 16.30 |
Currently funded for certain roles in South Tyneside. You should have been invited to attend this training and recieved a link to this page via that invitation. If you have accessed the page in a different way, or are unsure if you have a funded place, please contact the Training Team at training@firstcontactclinical.co.uk before making a booking.
Cancellation policy:
If you fail to attend or do not give us the required notice to cancel your place we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee. For more information click here